Monday, December 13, 2010

The King is Dead

I was inspired to write a music-based post from my good pal Andrea. She's beginning a new weekly music series on her blog. Anyway, my comments on her post today made me think that I need to shout from the rooftops my love for all things Decemberists. My favorite baroque pop ensemble is back with a new album that you can look for on January 18. Which, in case you were wondering, is a mere FOUR days before my birthday. Coincidence? Perhaps. I like to think it's a personal gift from Colin and Company to yours truly.

I know that not everyone loves them like I do, but have you seen this? It's their video for O Valencia!. Check it out yesterday. Seriously. (I might be a little overzealous today, I ought to have warned you at the beginning of this post. My apologies.)

The point of this post? Ah, yes. The new album. Listen to the first single, "Down By The Water" here and let me know what you think. I think it's fantastic and I am counting the days until The King is Dead is residing in my iPod blaring on my stereo.

Oh, and I think Colin is a little dreamy. Just thought you needed to know.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Jamaican Me Crazy

Oh, man!!! I fell in love with Jamaica! The people, the landscape, the coffee - all are incredible. Seriously, Blue Mountain Coffee is the cat's pajamas. I learned a lot during my short visit, mostly that I can't wait to go back. I also stopped by the Cayman Islands, and while it's beautiful there, it lacks the soul that lives and breathes in Jamaica. Sure, it's easier to get around its flat terrain and the people certainly have more money. But as Mama Karen told me that day, they (the Jamaicans) might be poor of money, but they are rich of spirit. And believe me, I can personally attest to it. These people have an authenticity that can not be faked. And I got several giggles from all of the generous women who were offering to braid my hair. This one woman couldn't stop stroking my hair - at first I was uncomfortable, then I realized that this is just how they do things. They don't have problems, they have "situations." They live in a perpetual state of no worries. As lame as it may sound, I get it now.

If ever you get the chance to see this vegetation-laden island for yourself, you absolutely must. It's a jungle in the best sense of the word. Of course I have more photos coming, but enjoy this one for now.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Boyfriend Cat

While posts like this are painful to write, they are most certainly warranted. The cat who adopted my parents several years ago, passed away today. I love that kitty. He was a handsome gent, but he definitely started out awkward and unsure. He grew into a curious, dapper feline who made us all laugh and smile when he decided to grace us with his presence.

He liked to visit with my dad in his man cave (also known as the garage), but also thoroughly enjoyed a nap in the flower bed. The only measure I have of how much he was loved, is how low all us Newmans are hanging our heads today. I almost had to leave work when I got the news. I'm trying to make it through the rest of the day without thinking of all of the questions I have. Is his pain gone? Is he happier now? Does he know that I love him dearly and will never forget him? I'm desperately hoping that the answer to all of these questions is yes.

You're probably wondering how his unique name came about. Well, if you've ever met my parents, you know that we all have a knack for nicknames, and animal names are no exception. Boyfriend Cat loved my mom. She was always his first choice for a lap, or even some casual petting. We decided that he thought that she was his woman. Hence, Boyfriend Cat.

Once a Newman, always a Newman, little man. We'll see you one day.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Boot Lust

I realize it's still August. I realize that it's about a million degrees outside. However, I am lusting after a pair of boots. I would probably wear them despite the sun-like temperatures outside. I don't care. I just want these boots.

Let me back up.

See, I used to shop often. Okay, a lot. I always had new outfits to wear for the tiniest, most unimportant of occasions. And while I still love a new dress every now and then, I don't shop like I once did. Few things in the stores make me excited. So, I typically just stay away. I'll visit one of my favorite hot spots sometimes. But that's only because it's merely blocks from my house. And my sister loves it. So, when she comes to town, we have to stop by and browse. Long story short, I used to see lots of things that I thought I needed to own. Now, it rarely happens.

Until I saw these boots. I am completely aware of the fact that a blog post specifically dedicated to boots is absurd. Well, you haven't seen these boots. (Not yet anyway. I'll show them to you later. Hello, I'm building suspense!)

Okay, so why haven't I just bought these boots? What am I waiting for? Well, they're a little pricey. To the tune of $250. While that isn't the most ridiculous number ever, I'm definitely having a hard time parting with that much money. So, I'm going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth trying to make up my mind. So, I need your help. To buy or not to buy: that is the question!

Wanna see what they look like? Here they are!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I've Gone To Look For Myself

Yeah, I've gone to look for myself and I can't be certain as to when I'll return.

Fortunately, I do remember enough about who I used to be that when I receieved an invitation to this event tomorrow night, I was beyond excited. I was elated. I still can't wait to sit and listen and learn. And all about the Byronic hero, no less. It's a free event and I will get the opportunity to hang with a cool chick who understands that working in a corporate environment will (it already has in my case) drain all you have to offer in a heartbeat.

Work has been tough, but my vacation is right around the corner. Truthfully, I think it's all I'm living for these days. Obviously I'm being dramatic, but you understand. Once vacation comes and goes, Halloween is lurking around the corner. And the weather will begin to change. And then the holiday season is officially upon us. Where has the year gone? It's gone to good times, bad times, tears, laughter and everything in between. This is what time does - it passes.

It feels nice to write something that isn't work-related for a change. Next time, maybe I'll tell you all about how awesome my Super Mario for the Wii skills have become.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Number of the Beast

Okay so, I saw Iron Maiden last week, and of course they were spectacular. In fact, it took nearly 48 hours for my face to return. Why? Well it was rocked off, obviously. And my pal Donny G. was able to come on down to the show, which made it even better. In addition, my dad was there and Mr. M. was finally able to see what all the fuss is about. Believe me - the fuss is SO warranted.

Oh, and we were super close to the stage. That didn't hurt anything. Steve Harris was right in front of me for a good portion of the show. It was awesome. We got sweated on by Bruce. That was both awesome and gross. Mostly gross, though.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

An Ode To Point Five

My best friend, Jennifer, is .5. And you have to pronounce it 'point five.' Of course it comes with a story. See, when she and I were younger, about 19 or 20, my dad nicknamed us the Dream Team because we stayed up so late and slept so much. Sure, we wasted some time napping, but we had terrific amounts of fun along the way. She and I took it a step further and started calling each other Point Five. See, two point fives equal a whole. That's how much we meant, and still mean, to each other.

Jennifer came into my life when I was 16. I was a much different girl pre-Jen. She and I became so close so quickly because we couldn't have needed each other more. We instantly realized that we were so similar, yet so different. High school is a funny thing. See, I thought it was for the most part, a tremendous waste of time. With a handful of exceptions, I took nothing with me after I was handed my diploma. And those few things were not academic. They were friendships. I didn't really learn anything new. That's what college was for. I think any place, other than prison, that requires you to ask permission to use the restroom is ludicrous. Even in most prison cells, the inmates have their own restrooms. Anyway, I digress. I'll talk about the time suck that is Lafayette, Louisiana's public high school system another time. Sorry, Ovey Comeaux. It's true.

Anyway, Jennifer is a tremendously talented individual. Whether it be painting, make-up artistry, music or writing, she's an incredible human being. And more recently, she has also taken on the role of mother to a beautiful 18-month old boy. She is an amazing woman who I admire each day. She has certainly not had an easy path, but she has managed as gracefully as ever. I look up to her, I laugh with her, I love her. She is family to me. And the best part? I got to choose her. That's what's so neat about friends.

Check out her late father's awe-inspiring art work here. I think you'll quickly notice that the multi-talented apple does not fall far from the multi-talented tree.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kick Out The Jams

And believe me, Pearl Jam kicked out the jams like I couldn't have even imagined. It was a pretty magical show. Yes, it ended early. Yes, the crowd was huge. Yes, I had an amazing spot that I camped out in for about seven hours while patiently waiting for them to hit the stage. Yes, I missed several other acts that I wanted to see. Yes, it was worth every minute.

It's been busy since I got back from my triumphant return to the Crescent City. I only unpacked our suitcase last night, in fact. I had to get back to work on Tuesday, and spent the majority of my day saving a blind puppy's life. Long story, so I'll hit the high points. A co-worker of mine studded out his yellow lab and one of the pups has been deemed blind. Well, the pup's "grandmother" decided he would have no quality of life, and toted him to the veterinarian to have him euthanized. I got wind of this and took it upon myself to halt the lethal injection and get him set up with a suitable home. It took a while, I had to make lots of phone calls, send tons of e-mails, but it finally worked. I found a terrific home for him and I'll even have the opportunity to meet the little fellow tomorrow morning. What sweet relief! I was determined to find someone who could adequately care for this special needs dog, and that person showed themselves, right as his clock was about to strike midnight. I wept with emotional exhaustion and happiness when I received word that he would receive a forever home. It feels incredible to do what's right in this otherwise bleak and evil place in which we live.

When I got home from work yesterday evening, I held my baby dog Emma so tight, I think she began to think I was crazy. I wonder if she will ever know just how much her mommy loves her.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where's My Oscar?

I've been wandering around for the last 24 hours performing some Academy Award-winning dramatic monologues. They are mostly about how the weather at Jazz Fest on Saturday will be and how flip flops are just such a horrible idea, but sneakers will likely be uncomfortable and even how I just don't know what to do. Then I sigh and flail about, mostly throwing myself on the couch in despair. The Fantastic Mr. M. just smiles at me, then says in the calmest tone you've ever heard, "Jess, it's going to be fine." I subsequently roll my eyes and tell him, "You ALWAYS say that." And it's true. He always tells me that things like this will be fine. Here's the kicker: they always are. I have a flair for the dramatic. I do, and I think it's the Sicilian in me. We're almost always loud, and we're always a little dramatic. Okay, a lot.

The point of this story is that I'm anxious. I'm nervous. See, I'm finally going to see what all the fuss is about. And by fuss, I mean Pearl Jam. I've been a fan for over half of my lifetime, but have never seen them live. And I've seen a lot of shows. In fact, I've crossed every band I want to see off of my list with one exception - Pearl Jam. See, if you don't know about the true Pearl Jam fans, let me shed a little light for you. It's a cult-like following that is terribly difficult to explain. Once people realize that I'm a fan of Pearl Jam even after their first three albums, they're typically befuddled. And there are even a handful that will question me about whether Pearl Jam is still together making music. In those instances, I have to swallow very hard and try to not look at them like they've sprouted a third head.

I have a hard time keeping my opinion to myself, and that characteristic is heightened ten fold when it comes to music. I can't understand why people don't see things the same way I do, but I suppose that's my challenge. In addition, it's what makes the world go 'round. Anyway, the next time someone asks you if Pearl Jam is still making music, tell them that they are in fact still making their mark. If you don't believe me, listen to this song and you will hear it. This song got me out of bed on many a dark day. I hope it finds a meaning for you as well. Enjoy.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A Heatbeat Away From Fame

That's what my dad said when I told him that the book that I edited was now on Everyone keeps telling me what an accomplishment it is, and while I would normally agree, the actual editing process is not what I would describe as being laborious. Perhaps that's because I enjoy it. Writing is way more difficult than actually editing. Editing is pretty formulaic. I can almost turn my brain off when it's time to edit. While that isn't entirely accurate, I think you know what I mean. I can edit for hours on end, and still feel like a million bucks. But when I write for about an hour, I'm in need of a serious nap afterward. I like to compare it to walking into a crowded room completely naked. It's exposing all of your insides for your readers. And creating words from nothing is a little tiring. But, absolutely rewarding.

The point of this blog entry? Shameless self-promotion, of course. Get thee to and pick up a copy of my heartbeat away from fame. I hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Nature + Science = Happy Gal

Things at Newman Farms are coming along nicely. I was pretty worried for a while that my plants might bite the dust, but nature has a way of righting its wrongs. All this late cold weather hasn't helped anything, but my garden has fought and I'm beginning to see some real progress. A cucumber plant seemed to have grown by leaps and bounds almost overnight. If nothing else, I have already learned more patience. And if you know anything about me, you know that patience has never been one of my strong suits.

This weekend, my fantastic boyfriend's fantastic sister came to Houston for a visit. We had so much fun seeing all that this incredible city has to offer. I know, I know ... everyone thinks that Houston is lame. Not the case at all, my friends. It's a super cool place with neat little things around each corner. Yesterday, we went to one of my favorite places ever - the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Let's not kid, I love all things museum-y. I've spent a lot of time at HMNS, but yesterday I took in my very first IMAX film. We saw Hubble 3D, which is narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio. It has to be said that he's a much better narrator than Oprah. Yeah, I'm still pretty bitter that she somehow finagled her way into narrating Life on the Discovery Channel. Anyway, for you other science nerds out there, check out Hubble 3D as soon as you can. For now, check out the trailer.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Newman Farms: The Bounty of Bohemia

My dad came up with that tag line for my unofficial farming venture. Well, I suppose that it's a real venture, just not a company. My mom and I went to the garden center this past weekend to choose what plants I would attempt to grow. While most everything looked great, I had to choose wisely. Here's what made the cut: three tomato plants (two Celebrity tomatoes and one Sweet 100), three bell pepper plants, two English cucumbers, three strawberry plants, basil, chives and lavender. Oh, and I bought several marigolds because of their natural insect-deterring scent. I'm excited about all of them, but I'm especially excited to see how the tomatoes do. I really hope that they produce so much that by August, I'm tired of eating tomatoes.

And here's what it looks like all planted in the ground. Let's all hope that my efforts prove fruitful. Pun intended.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Outside the Loop

See, my sister has been married almost one year. And she hired a fantastic videographer to document her day. He produced a quick two-minute trailer for her while he finished editing her complete video. I've seen that trailer a million times, but have yet to see the final product, right? Well, I just learned that there was a four-minute highlight reel that he did for her. I'd never seen it! If you want to see it, check it out here. After watching the highlights, I almost feel no need to watch the entire video. I guess that's the risk you take when your video tells such a compelling story.

I'm perpetually outside of the loop. Which is odd, because I live inside the loop. (Houston humor)

Anyway, hope you enjoy. It was a memorable day and Tim captured it in the most special way imaginable.

The Waiting Is The Hardest Part

Well, it's no secret that I have tickets to see Pearl Jam. However, in the last month or so, the concert calendar has filled right on up. Let me break it down for you.

In May, I'll see Band of Horses and the almighty PJ. One week later, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. This will be the third time I've seen Tom and I understand that not everyone loves him. Well, he and I have a pretty significant history. When I was two years old, my parents had this record player with ridiculously huge headphones. I used to pad my way over to the record player and put the headphones on until my dad would start the music for me. I enjoyed the usual stuff - you know Sesame Street and the like - but apparently, I used to just LOVE when my dad would play Tom Petty for me. 'The Waiting' was my favorite song in the world. At least that's what my parents have told me. So, seeing Tom Petty three times, with the best dad in the world, is a pretty cool thing. And this time, my hip little mama is even going to come along!

Early in June, I'll be checking out the two-day Summerfest here in Houston. The Flaming Lips are headlining and there is an absolute bevy of others that I'm excited to see. Namely, Ra Ra Riot. They were great the first time I saw them, and I'm looking forward to seeing them again. About one week after that...

MAIDEN. Iron Maiden, that is. Yes, I saw them in 2008 and it was magical. I will get to see them again and I could not be more excited. I didn't think that anything would ever top the first time, but this go-round I'll have the fantastic Donny G. and one Mr. M to accompany me. Oh, and there's the best guy of all - my fantastic father. One of these days, I'll tell you all about the man that is corporate Global Manager by day, and more rock and roll than you and I combined, by night. Just know this: he's so awesome, we need a new word for awesome.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

If You Can't Say Anything Nice...

Yeah, today was one of those days. When someone who doesn't really have any business throwing stones your way, totally does. What's even worse, is that you know it shouldn't hurt your feelings. But it does. It truly ruined my afternoon. However, it will not ruin my evening.

I'm back on the old fitness wagon. See, here's what happens to me: I get happy and I gain 10 pounds. Ugh! Why can't we have it both ways? That would be much too simple. So, I have been back in the gym and eating as healthily as I can. Being a vegetarian, I know it would seem that gaining weight would be difficult. No, no my friends. Not the case at all. Luckily, my significant other is all about going to the gym with me and he while he doesn't like all of my 'hippie food', he's such a good sport about it all.

The weather was warm today for the first time in months. As I stood outside and felt the sunshine wash over me, I became hopeful. I don't know what I was hoping for. But I do know that whatever it is felt incredible.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Newman Farms Tomatoes

Well, it's been a while. Let me catch you up to speed.

First things first, I am in love. Yep, for the first time in my life, I'm in love. And not just with my dog this time. The guy that gives me the butterflies in my stomach now gives me those same butterflies each and everyday. He picked up and moved to the big city and we get to hang out all the time. Talk about lucky me! He's great.

Next, I have the sweetest little house in the sweetest neighborhood. In fact, last week I prepped my garden for its transformation into Veggie Town USA. My house is becoming Newman Farms. Where's that logo, Donny?

A lifelong dream is coming true - I will finally get to see the band that has defined my musical development - Pearl Jam. Think it's lame? That's unfortunate. I've been a fan since I was 14 and it's finally happening. Did I mention that I'll get to check out Band of Horses right before PJ? Oh, and I will have the most wonderful group of pals to accompany me.

Whew! That's not even the half of it, but at least it's a little something. I'm the lamest blogger alive. Sorry to disappoint both of you, my faithful readers.

Off to Target now. I haven't been there in over a week and I'm almost positive that there's some knick-knacky crap that I can't live without just waiting for me. Ta-ta!