Sunday, April 4, 2010

Nature + Science = Happy Gal

Things at Newman Farms are coming along nicely. I was pretty worried for a while that my plants might bite the dust, but nature has a way of righting its wrongs. All this late cold weather hasn't helped anything, but my garden has fought and I'm beginning to see some real progress. A cucumber plant seemed to have grown by leaps and bounds almost overnight. If nothing else, I have already learned more patience. And if you know anything about me, you know that patience has never been one of my strong suits.

This weekend, my fantastic boyfriend's fantastic sister came to Houston for a visit. We had so much fun seeing all that this incredible city has to offer. I know, I know ... everyone thinks that Houston is lame. Not the case at all, my friends. It's a super cool place with neat little things around each corner. Yesterday, we went to one of my favorite places ever - the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Let's not kid, I love all things museum-y. I've spent a lot of time at HMNS, but yesterday I took in my very first IMAX film. We saw Hubble 3D, which is narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio. It has to be said that he's a much better narrator than Oprah. Yeah, I'm still pretty bitter that she somehow finagled her way into narrating Life on the Discovery Channel. Anyway, for you other science nerds out there, check out Hubble 3D as soon as you can. For now, check out the trailer.

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