Monday, December 13, 2010

The King is Dead

I was inspired to write a music-based post from my good pal Andrea. She's beginning a new weekly music series on her blog. Anyway, my comments on her post today made me think that I need to shout from the rooftops my love for all things Decemberists. My favorite baroque pop ensemble is back with a new album that you can look for on January 18. Which, in case you were wondering, is a mere FOUR days before my birthday. Coincidence? Perhaps. I like to think it's a personal gift from Colin and Company to yours truly.

I know that not everyone loves them like I do, but have you seen this? It's their video for O Valencia!. Check it out yesterday. Seriously. (I might be a little overzealous today, I ought to have warned you at the beginning of this post. My apologies.)

The point of this post? Ah, yes. The new album. Listen to the first single, "Down By The Water" here and let me know what you think. I think it's fantastic and I am counting the days until The King is Dead is residing in my iPod blaring on my stereo.

Oh, and I think Colin is a little dreamy. Just thought you needed to know.


All The Trappings said...

HMMMMMMM! I'll report back later this week after I've listened to it 5 more times ;)



donny* said...

Now you know I'm not a Decemberists hater, so don't defriend me. You also know I'm more a fan of their earlier stuff and you know that I'm quite the REM fan, particularly their IRS albums. And, I know, I know, they said it would have an REMish vibe to it. I just didn't expect it to sound so much like REM. I think Colin had Reckoning and Fables of the Reconstruction playing when he wrote this one. It's a good tune, but I'm interested in hearing more diversity in the rest. *still a fan*

So, smilies get me anywhere? :) :) :)
or howsabout hearts? <3 <3 <3

Jessica said...

Whatcha think now, fancy pants Donny G.? It's GOOD, isn't it?