Thursday, August 19, 2010

Boot Lust

I realize it's still August. I realize that it's about a million degrees outside. However, I am lusting after a pair of boots. I would probably wear them despite the sun-like temperatures outside. I don't care. I just want these boots.

Let me back up.

See, I used to shop often. Okay, a lot. I always had new outfits to wear for the tiniest, most unimportant of occasions. And while I still love a new dress every now and then, I don't shop like I once did. Few things in the stores make me excited. So, I typically just stay away. I'll visit one of my favorite hot spots sometimes. But that's only because it's merely blocks from my house. And my sister loves it. So, when she comes to town, we have to stop by and browse. Long story short, I used to see lots of things that I thought I needed to own. Now, it rarely happens.

Until I saw these boots. I am completely aware of the fact that a blog post specifically dedicated to boots is absurd. Well, you haven't seen these boots. (Not yet anyway. I'll show them to you later. Hello, I'm building suspense!)

Okay, so why haven't I just bought these boots? What am I waiting for? Well, they're a little pricey. To the tune of $250. While that isn't the most ridiculous number ever, I'm definitely having a hard time parting with that much money. So, I'm going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth trying to make up my mind. So, I need your help. To buy or not to buy: that is the question!

Wanna see what they look like? Here they are!


Jess said...

They are beautiful boots. Artful even.

Jessica said...

I've been thinking a lot about it, and I think I'm going to do it. I'll let you know when they come in. So excited!