Monday, March 23, 2009

Burping The House Down

So, I'm about a week smoke-free and I have to tell you, I'm pretty happy about it! In fact, I have almost forgotten that I was ever a smoker. I was truly put to the test this weekend, though. I had an out-of-town guest who smokes. He's the one who started Chantix a few days after me. Things are going a little differently for him though. The medicine is not working as quickly for him. Anyway, the point of the story is that he and I hung out, drank and even went to see Andrew Bird at the House of Blues (um, it was fantastic, in case you were wondering. I literally have no words to describe it.) and I wasn't tempted, even while he continued to smoke. I'm not judging or anything, I swear. Okay, maybe a little. It's just that now that I'm on the other side, I'm realizing that it's a habit that can only be described as repugnant.

Anyway, I'm experiencing a whole new round of side effects in the last few days. The nausea is still there, but only in the morning. My dreams have calmed down for the most part. One of the new side effects is kind of gross, but I'll go ahead and lay it out there. I can now burp like a 400-pound, beer-swilling man. I've read that this might happen, and let's not kid, it's kind of funny. Especially coming from a prim and proper lady such as myself...

Chantix is interesting in that there's a new ailment nearly every single day. I think I might end up with Chantix-induced polio. Or even Chantix-induced rabies. For now, I'm a Burpasaurus Rex and I suppose I shouldn't complain because it could always get worse. By tomorrow, I could very easily develop some rare strain of Chantix-induced SARS. Why don't we talk about SARS anymore? It's kind of sad. Let's bring that back in 2009.


Anonymous said...

You are a nut...SARS?

raindog said...

glad you made it smoke free. i still get tempted when i'm at a bar. thats the hardest part. the beer. but damn. thing is, i've always wanted to burp like a prim and proper lady but so far the talent has escaped me.

and i wont ask about andrew bird. i got a review after the n.o. show i missed and it sent me into a deep dr stringz depression.

Jessica said...

Oh Donny, I hate to tell you this, but it was incredible. It was literally like nothing I had ever seen before. He is a talented, talented individual.

And as for the burping - it sucks!!! These burps are not of this planet. These are alien burps that come from my toes. It's insane. Trust me, I can't wait to return to a burp-free existence.