Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dream Theatre?

So, I'm four doses in and I'm still coherent enough to post on the blog. That's a good thing, right? I guess it depends who you ask, though...

Nothing significant has happened yet. Well, my dreams have been more active. They're not horrible, terrible nightmares per se, there are just a lot of dreams happening in what feels like a short period of time. Some have been more memorable than others and some of them even a little funny. Let's not kid - me on an infomercial? That's comedy and you know it. There was one that freaked me out a little, but I won't recount it here. Mostly because no one else thinks it's as scary as I do. In fact, it's been laughed at on a few occasions. Thanks for the support, guys.

I met a woman who claimed to be clairvoyant today. It was one of the most remarkable encounters of my lifetime. She was able to tell me things and advise me with absolute certainty. I'm a big fan of certainty. She was completely confident in what she told me and I almost had no choice but to believe her. It never ceases to amaze me that there are enlightened people such as this woman walking amongst us each and everyday. Pretty cool, if you ask me!

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