Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dreaming In A Vacuum

I know it's been a while since I've updated and for that I have no excuse. In my defense, I've been waiting for something really, really newsworthy to happen. Well my friends, that day has come. We've got lots to talk about.

Most importantly, I took my first dose of Chantix yesterday. I've been an off and on smoker for some time now and I would like to drop the habit. For good. So, I plan to use my blog to document my experience. The good, the bad and the vivid (dreams). So far, I've only had one weird dream. Last night, I dreamt that I was selling vacuum cleaners on TV, infomercial-style. For those that don't know, this is especially strange because until fairly recently, I've not even had carpet to vacuum. The reality is that I probably can't blame my waking dream of being an infomercial legend on Chantix. Truthfully, I sometimes enjoy watching infomercials. Don't judge me, I never said I was proud of it!!!

I just took my second dose of the crazy pill and I still feel relatively normal. I haven't had an upset stomach or anything. I am a little concerned that the suicidal (or homicidal) thoughts will start soon. Just kidding, I'm going to be fine. And this time next week, I should be smoke-free! That's exciting!

At the end of the month, I'm going to accompany my younger sister to see her most favorite (I use the term oh-so-loosely) "rock star", Britney Spears. This has been an absolute dream of hers for a long time now and when she asked me to go with her, I wanted to say no. I couldn't. It's just one of those sister things that will hopefully be fun. If I can sit through that shit without smoking, then I will have truly won the battle. I asked my sister if it would be alright with her if I brought my iPod to listen to during the show. She was not receptive, to say the least. The good news? I'm trying to convince her that it would be a good idea if she and I dressed up as our favorite "Britney."

I am on the hunt for a bald cap. Clearly, bald Britney is the only way to go.


raindog said...

alright, alright jessica. let's stop with this front you're puttin up. we all know your hands will be in the air, booty shakin, mouthing every line of baby one more time.

good luck with the quitting smoking you wannabe pop princess. :)

Jessica said...

Thanks, Donny. Believe you me, I'll be singing alright. Which is more than old B. Spears can say!!!

There is an upside: the night before Britney, I have tickets to see Chris Cornell at Warehouse Live.

BTW, you do know that Andrew Bird will be here next week, right?