Sunday, February 1, 2009

Stupid Bowl Sunday

I think the Super Bowl is kind of stupid. I guess it's because I don't follow the NFL that closely. Unless the New Orleans Saints manage to get themselves into the Super Bowl, I will continue to call it the Stupid Bowl. And that's that.

I had a sort of busy weekend. It's the first weekend in some time that I didn't go out of town or have guests come to visit me. It was nice to catch up on some things that I've needed to do for a while now. I had a massage, went to yoga and took my mom to the movies. I also ran a few other errands and even managed to take a Saturday afternoon nap. It was weird. It was nice. It takes me back to the days when I lived in Lafayette and didn't have any plans in particular. I was the queen of weekend relaxation. And I didn't need a partner-in-crime. I was content to do nothing right by myself. I'm learning how to get there again.

Let's talk about yoga. It is not a joke. At all. I've been working out with my trainer for a while now and it's safe to say that yoga has made me more sore than some of the things my trainer makes me do. Don't tell him I said that though.

My mom and I ventured out to see Revolutionary Road today. I don't know if you've seen it or not, but if you haven't, you must. It's brilliant. Sam Mendes never disappoints. I've heard some people say they think it's sad, depressing or even boring. How crazy is that? It's an amazing film and I encourage you to see it. And if you haven't seen The Wrestler, that's great too.

In addition to the other nonsense I was up to this weekend, I also completed this Facebook bulletin. I'll post it here in case you're not on Facebook. Which is also crazy, but I'll address that later.

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.

1. I love my dog more than I love you. Sorry, it's the truth.
2. I love my shoes more than I love you. Sorry, it's the truth.
3. I HATE putting gas in my car. Such an inconvenience.
4. I have more fun in my head than some others have in their lifetime.
5. I miss Lafayette lots and lots. Houston's cool and all, but I miss my peeps something fierce.
6. Austin, Texas is the best city in the south. Hands down.
7. Music is entirely too important to me. In my opinion, everything we do needs a soundtrack.
8. I love people who can handle my sense of humor. It's a large part of who I am and those that don't get it make me sad.
9. I sometimes practice my Grammy Award acceptance speech in the mirror. It could happen...
10. I am intrigued by animal symbolism. Native Americans have some cool shit going on.
11. I love my Sicilian heritage. I'm a made woman. Don't mess around.
12. I have been known to be bossy. And pushy. And a know-it-all. It's probably true.
13. I don't drink bottled water anymore. I only drink filtered water from a polycarbonate-BPA-free bottle. I'm turning into a hippie everyday. I've even entertained the notion of purchasing shoes that were made from all recycled materials. I'm not there yet.
14. I don't eat the meat and I've never been happier. Vegetarianism is God's way. I'm convinced.
15. Should I ever win the lottery (which would be a miracle since I don't even play), I would like to travel the world with no particular agenda. Just go and stay wherever until I didn't want to anymore. Then I'd go somewhere else.
16. I would like to kill whoever invented the StairMaster. It's just a cruel, cruel piece of equipment.
17. I haven't listened to the actual radio in a lifetime. I have yet to discover a station that plays anything that doesn't suck. In other words, I have no clue about popular music and I like it that way.
18. College was a much simpler time for me and I miss it.
19. I am obsessed with Mission Burrito here in Houston. I love it so much, it's stupid.
20. I think making my bed is a waste of time, but I will generally do it anyway.
21. I think text messaging is brilliant.
22. Actual phone calls with the right people are even more brilliant.
23. I am going to complete my book of essays very, very soon. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
24. My family is really, really, REALLY important to me.
25. The Office = <3

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