Thursday, February 5, 2009

He Who Forgets Will Be Destined To Remember

Yeah, it's a line from a Pearl Jam song. I know it's kind of lame to rip off someone else's work, but the reality is - it's so damn true. The reason this particular song came to mind is that I'm listening to my iPod on my Bose iPod docking station. Yeah, I'm totally name-dropping (or actually brand-dropping in this case) but if you find yourself with an extra $300 laying around, I can't urge you enough to purchase one for your home. Anyway, I set the iPod to shuffle and it's been playing some of Jessica's Greatest Hits. Oddly enough, it's been playing a lot of Pearl Jam. It's strange, but perhaps I need Pearl Jam right now. I mean, you always NEED Pearl Jam, but maybe there's something more to it. I am going to think that there is more to it.

While my week has mediocre at best, two people very close to me have had outstanding weeks. It's honestly better than anything else in the world when two people who are dear to you are inching closer and closer to the things that they want and deserve. While their victories have been very, very different, I am equally thrilled for both of them. Good stuff!

In completely unrelated news, I have recently discovered that my dog sleeps about 18 hours a day. Just thought you might like to know.

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