Monday, January 24, 2011


In the year 2011, I am working really hard. I am working to be completely ambivalent about: LSU football, Michael Vick and Rush. So far, I'm doing well! I haven't made any ugly remarks about LSU and I've only smiled to myself when the Philadelphia Eagles' season ended. As for Rush, I'm growing by leaps and bounds. I actually spent twenty of my very own hard-earned dollars to buy that crazy documentary for Mr. M. And boy, was he excited! I sat through it and watched it again. Yes, again. It was on TV one night and I caught the last half of it. Am I the only one who absolutely LOVES rock docs? I watched Behind The Music on Lil Wayne. Twice. The moral of that story is, I can watch just about any documentary on anything.

I've also been kickboxing like a ninja! And I have FINALLY found an exercise that I don't hate! This is huge for me. See, I have always hated exercising nearly as much as a teeth cleaning combined with a PAP smear. Yeah, it's that serious. But, I actually look forward to my kickboxing classes. I take class at a martial arts studio. I think that's why I like it so much. It feels like it's so much more hardcore than just taking aerobics at a gym. We're so serious, we kickbox in our bare feet. I'm counting the days until I'm officially named, "Ninja Jess." I would invite you all to the ceremony, but that wouldn't be very ninja-like, would it?

What are you up to this year? I doubt any of it is nearly as exciting and meaningful as what I'm doing. Come on, I'm trying to be indifferent about Rush. I deserve a medal or something for making it this long and not calling Geddy's voice that of a woodland creature from middle earth. Crap, I guess I have to start over now.


donny* said...

I'm the same way. I can watch pretty much any documentary, although I would draw the line at the likes of Lady Gaga and Elton John. They ran a really good one on Queen not too long ago. I even enjoyed the hell out of the Crue and Posion ones.

Jessica said...

I agree. I have to be at least somewhat interested or curious about the subject matter to really get into a documentary. I wish I could've caught the one on Queen. I love those guys.

With that being said, should I get you a copy of the Rush doc? I know what a fan you are and all.

donny* said...

Do you know who Ollie's favorite band is? I may have told you, but it's none other than Queen. We bought him a Queen shirt for Christmas and it's like the greatest thing he's ever worn. He'll sing Bohemian Rhapsody or Bicycle Race if you ask him.

And, no thanks, I've got all the Rush this man can handle.

Jessica said...

That's because you have one of the coolest children ever born. I also have a Queen t-shirt that I adore. It showcases Freddie's magical mustache in ways that continue to bring a smile to my face. It's a masterpiece.

You sure about that? I feel like you need a new copy of 'Working Man' because you've worn yours out. I'll have one sent to you immediately.