Monday, September 20, 2010

Jamaican Me Crazy

Oh, man!!! I fell in love with Jamaica! The people, the landscape, the coffee - all are incredible. Seriously, Blue Mountain Coffee is the cat's pajamas. I learned a lot during my short visit, mostly that I can't wait to go back. I also stopped by the Cayman Islands, and while it's beautiful there, it lacks the soul that lives and breathes in Jamaica. Sure, it's easier to get around its flat terrain and the people certainly have more money. But as Mama Karen told me that day, they (the Jamaicans) might be poor of money, but they are rich of spirit. And believe me, I can personally attest to it. These people have an authenticity that can not be faked. And I got several giggles from all of the generous women who were offering to braid my hair. This one woman couldn't stop stroking my hair - at first I was uncomfortable, then I realized that this is just how they do things. They don't have problems, they have "situations." They live in a perpetual state of no worries. As lame as it may sound, I get it now.

If ever you get the chance to see this vegetation-laden island for yourself, you absolutely must. It's a jungle in the best sense of the word. Of course I have more photos coming, but enjoy this one for now.


donny* said...

Fantastic. You have no idea how good that sounds and I'm so happy that ya'll got to experience it and experienced it so well. I hope you have some pics. So I can turn on Peter Tosh and look and get an island feel. HA. Donny needs to experience something like that, for he isn't doing to well.

Jessica said...

Donny G., is everything okay? Don't answer that here, I'll e-mail you.

I'll get those photos uploaded ASAP so you can smoke doobies and twirl your dreadlocks around your index finger while looking at them.

Seriously, Jamaica is an incredible place and we can't wait to go back. You and Denise absolutely must visit there soon. You would love it.

Anonymous said...

Well now I'm interested in visiting. I usually run from the idea of touristy destinations, but you remind me that it can be done.

Jessica said...

Jess, I absolutely understand your disdain for tourist traps. I'm the same way. But I have to tell you, Jamaica definitely has it's more touristy spots, but the culture is so rich that it's totally worth visiting. And as an avid gardener, you would positively DIE at the vegetation. Everything grows so well there! We actually stopped on the side of the road to crush some allspice leaves in our hands. It was just growing on the side of the road! Raphael, our driver, told me that you will never starve in Jamaica - unless you're lazy. You need to see it for yourself. It's incredible.