Monday, June 20, 2011

Home is where the fart is ...

I'm turning into a real life grown up. I pick my battles. I get up before my alarm sounds. I make dinner most nights. I'm purchasing a home of my own. However, I still love what I love. Inappropriate remarks? Sure, every so often can't hurt. Laughing until we're both crying because of some stupid video on America's Funniest Home Videos? I wouldn't be me without it. In other words, my irreverence still shows up every now and then. Truthfully, I wouldn't have it any other way. It's like I told Mr. M. the other night, "we're like 16-year olds with bank accounts." Because we are. We listen to loud music and eat candy whenever we feel like it.

We also try to be emotionally graceful and patient. We try to make the wisest decisions we can, and we love our creatures to bits and pieces. But, most of all, we are mindful of one another.

Ah, the dichotomy of adulthood.

So, would you like to see our house? Of course you would! We invite you to get your rear end to Texas for cocktail hour on the patio!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What are you up to today?

copying: this fun post idea from an awesome gal I've known nearly my whole life.

enjoying: thinking about my cute doggie.

eating: raw bell peppers and broccoli.

dreading: all the work that has to be done.

feeling: hopeful about what's to come.

looking forward to: my sister coming to visit and my dad's birthday next week.

wearing: my favorite shade of green today.

needing: to lighten up.

wanting: for this weekend to get here now!

procrastinating: ugh, cleaning house.

dreaming: of all of the delicious produce my garden will make for me.

missing: summer vacation as a kid.

working on: making it all happen.

cooking: up anarchy every chance I get. (Just kidding! But I do love stirring pots and pushing buttons.)

craving: quiet time with those who matter most.

mindful: of my actions and words.

smiling: because my life kind of rules. I am grateful.

Friday, March 18, 2011

I'm on the hunt ...

The house hunt, that is. Yes, I am finally taking another step into adulthood. I am going to buy my very own house. Exciting? Yeah, kind of. Scary? Absolutely.

I've seen several houses already, and I suppose it took that many for me to realize that I can't afford to pay attention in my current neighborhood. Nearly $300 per square foot is pretty expensive. I do love it there. But, I will love my very own place even more. Mr. M. and I have decided to perhaps entertain the notion of possible co-habitation once I purchase my new, palatial mansion and we have very different house priorities. But, we have agreed on one thing so far - the backyard. We are both crazy about having an incredible backyard. I can deal with him wanting one whole room specifically dedicated to his drumming. I can even deal with him not hating carpet like I do. But, the backyard? I won't budge on that one. Fortunately, we were able to land on the same page.

So, I'm a-hunting! And as soon as I find the perfect backyard ... er, house ... I'll post pictures and invite you all over for a meat-free barbecue. Doesn't that sound like fun? (I'm talking to you, meat eaters!)

Monday, January 24, 2011


In the year 2011, I am working really hard. I am working to be completely ambivalent about: LSU football, Michael Vick and Rush. So far, I'm doing well! I haven't made any ugly remarks about LSU and I've only smiled to myself when the Philadelphia Eagles' season ended. As for Rush, I'm growing by leaps and bounds. I actually spent twenty of my very own hard-earned dollars to buy that crazy documentary for Mr. M. And boy, was he excited! I sat through it and watched it again. Yes, again. It was on TV one night and I caught the last half of it. Am I the only one who absolutely LOVES rock docs? I watched Behind The Music on Lil Wayne. Twice. The moral of that story is, I can watch just about any documentary on anything.

I've also been kickboxing like a ninja! And I have FINALLY found an exercise that I don't hate! This is huge for me. See, I have always hated exercising nearly as much as a teeth cleaning combined with a PAP smear. Yeah, it's that serious. But, I actually look forward to my kickboxing classes. I take class at a martial arts studio. I think that's why I like it so much. It feels like it's so much more hardcore than just taking aerobics at a gym. We're so serious, we kickbox in our bare feet. I'm counting the days until I'm officially named, "Ninja Jess." I would invite you all to the ceremony, but that wouldn't be very ninja-like, would it?

What are you up to this year? I doubt any of it is nearly as exciting and meaningful as what I'm doing. Come on, I'm trying to be indifferent about Rush. I deserve a medal or something for making it this long and not calling Geddy's voice that of a woodland creature from middle earth. Crap, I guess I have to start over now.