Monday, April 20, 2009

Today's Weird

In fact, today is so weird that I can't even begin to explain just how weird it truly is. I miss normal! When do I get some more of that?

I'll explain this in typical Jessica fashion once I'm able to wrap my brain around it. Until then, please send your most positive, ordinary, run-of-the-mill thoughts my way.

Friday, April 17, 2009

What's The Big Deal Today?

My one month smoke-free anniversary. That's what.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Is This REALLY What Single People Do?

In the span of less than 30 minutes, I have had two friends confess that they are attempting to meet their soul mates through online dating sites. Now, these friends of mine are great people! Any guy or girl would be lucky to have them. Perhaps I'm way outdated in my "old" age, but whatever happened to meeting people the old-fashioned way? You know, seeing some cute guy across the room and feverishly trying to muster the courage to walk over and say hello only to find out he's got a girlfriend anyway. Ah, those were the days.

I'm a single girl. I'm pretty cute. I've got a great sense of humor and most excellent taste in music. Maybe I ought to consider the online dating scene. I mean, I am new to the area and so far, I've only met one hottie who doesn't even own a car and takes ritual baths with each new moon. Now, I'm really open-minded and am regularly accused of being a hippie, but ritual baths? Yeah, no.

Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? I know I've got concerns...