Monday, October 6, 2008

Jessica's Blog: The Sequel

I'm back. Not so much better than ever, but without a doubt different. I started blogging about a year ago and stopped at the beginning of this year. Well, I need the outlet so here I am once again. For now, anyway.

The last time we talked, I was in quite a mess of my own making. And while things aren't perfect, they're certainly much, MUCH clearer. I'll give you the adbridged version of what's you've missed. And yes, I am completely aware of the fact that you've missed out because I've quit blogging. Give me a chance to redeem myself, would ya?

I have moved to a much, much, much larger city. In fact it's one largest cities in the United States. So, here I am with three gazillion of my closest friends. It's been great actually. I have a pretty sweet new gig which allows me to work fewer hours and make more money. Can't beat that. Not even with a stick, I say. And I'm paid to write. Yes.

I've been playing that guitar that sat in my former house and mocked me from its corner. I played in Lafayette with a great guy who was generous enough to teach me free of charge. Well, things here are a little different and I have my first lesson with Dave. Now, I've never met Dave. I don't know a whole lot about Dave. I like to think that Dave is some guitar God who's going to teach me everything he knows. Earlier, I was thinking of all the great Daves that wail on the axe. How great would it be if I showed up to my lesson tomorrow and when I walk into the practice room I'm greeted by Dave Grohl (the LOVE of my life). Or Dave Mustaine or even Dave Navarro. Oh, I almost forgot--Iron Maiden's Dave Murray. The "Dave" possibilities are really endless.

I suppose I will have to let you know how my first lesson with Dave is. And if Teacher Dave compares to the Daves listed above. I have a good feeling about it.


raindog said...

you may be the first girl i've known who actually knows who dave murray is. bravo! heh. :)

- donny

Jessica said...

Well, those who don't know who Dave Murray is are really, really missing out, I'd say!