Friday, March 18, 2011

I'm on the hunt ...

The house hunt, that is. Yes, I am finally taking another step into adulthood. I am going to buy my very own house. Exciting? Yeah, kind of. Scary? Absolutely.

I've seen several houses already, and I suppose it took that many for me to realize that I can't afford to pay attention in my current neighborhood. Nearly $300 per square foot is pretty expensive. I do love it there. But, I will love my very own place even more. Mr. M. and I have decided to perhaps entertain the notion of possible co-habitation once I purchase my new, palatial mansion and we have very different house priorities. But, we have agreed on one thing so far - the backyard. We are both crazy about having an incredible backyard. I can deal with him wanting one whole room specifically dedicated to his drumming. I can even deal with him not hating carpet like I do. But, the backyard? I won't budge on that one. Fortunately, we were able to land on the same page.

So, I'm a-hunting! And as soon as I find the perfect backyard ... er, house ... I'll post pictures and invite you all over for a meat-free barbecue. Doesn't that sound like fun? (I'm talking to you, meat eaters!)