Monday, January 24, 2011


In the year 2011, I am working really hard. I am working to be completely ambivalent about: LSU football, Michael Vick and Rush. So far, I'm doing well! I haven't made any ugly remarks about LSU and I've only smiled to myself when the Philadelphia Eagles' season ended. As for Rush, I'm growing by leaps and bounds. I actually spent twenty of my very own hard-earned dollars to buy that crazy documentary for Mr. M. And boy, was he excited! I sat through it and watched it again. Yes, again. It was on TV one night and I caught the last half of it. Am I the only one who absolutely LOVES rock docs? I watched Behind The Music on Lil Wayne. Twice. The moral of that story is, I can watch just about any documentary on anything.

I've also been kickboxing like a ninja! And I have FINALLY found an exercise that I don't hate! This is huge for me. See, I have always hated exercising nearly as much as a teeth cleaning combined with a PAP smear. Yeah, it's that serious. But, I actually look forward to my kickboxing classes. I take class at a martial arts studio. I think that's why I like it so much. It feels like it's so much more hardcore than just taking aerobics at a gym. We're so serious, we kickbox in our bare feet. I'm counting the days until I'm officially named, "Ninja Jess." I would invite you all to the ceremony, but that wouldn't be very ninja-like, would it?

What are you up to this year? I doubt any of it is nearly as exciting and meaningful as what I'm doing. Come on, I'm trying to be indifferent about Rush. I deserve a medal or something for making it this long and not calling Geddy's voice that of a woodland creature from middle earth. Crap, I guess I have to start over now.