Saturday, January 31, 2009

April 22, 2009

Is Earth Day. Go check out this film. I know I will! Some of the images may look familiar if you've seen Planet Earth, but I'm excited nonetheless to see Earth, Disney-style.

Friday, January 30, 2009

There I Go...Getting Old and Forgetting...

Yep. I forgot the address to my blog and was too lazy to retrieve it. I've got it now and I've written it down. So, I think I'm truly out of excuses now. Let's catch up, shall we?

First off, the last time we talked I was prepping for my first guitar lesson with Dave. Long story short, Dave was too much rock-n-roll for me. Yep, there's someone who rocks harder than I do. He and I didn't exactly see eye-to-eye on lots of things and I had to cut it loose. So, my passion for becoming a rock star is shelved at the moment. I've got other things to focus on, so I'm okay with that. Maybe later...

I've been really tuned in to my health as of late. I went vegetarian and hired a personal trainer. I've never felt better. And I'm not just saying that. I've never been one who's known for their athletic prowess, so being able to hang with my trainer for an entire hour a few times a week is quite the accomplishment for me. I'm proud of myself and can really foresee living this way for the rest of my life. It's a good feeling. In fact, I'm going to attempt yoga this weekend. I've been to yoga once before a lifetime ago and was asked to leave because I couldn't stop laughing. I'm not proud of it. I've not always been the mature adult you see before you now. (Insert snickering here.) I'll let you know how that goes.

In other not-so-interesting news, I turned 30 last week. Yep, I'm officially accountable for all my stupid misbehavior. It sucks, to put it plainly. I really have to be prepared to own anything dumb that I might decide to do. No more youthful impatience. It's just impatience now. The good news is that 30 is the new 20. That's a big old bag of you-know-what. That's like saying Tuesday is the new Monday. (Oddly enough, I'm nearly convinced Thursday is the new Friday.) Just something to make us feel better about where we are or aren't in our lives. I don't buy it. Regardless of what I'm buying, I'm 30. There it is. So far, it isn't so bad. Luckily, I know people who are older than me who have lived to tell about it. They say it isn't so bad either.

I always talk about music, so why should now be any different? (Or at least I did on the old blog.) I'm not sure where to begin. I've always been such a rocker chick and as I get a little older, I'm learning that it doesn't have to be in your face to be great. In fact, everything I'm listening to now could not be further from in your face. And it's so damn good. It's a nice change to not have someone screaming at me from the speakers. Don't worry, I still listen to it entirely too loud. I am still me, after all. It's not good unless you're almost deaf. And that's the truth. In addition, I'm gaining a whole new appreciation for the cow bell.